The name's Sable, welcome to my webpage. I made this site for fun, as an art project, and because I've always wanted to learn how to code websites..
Hope you enjoy my little part of the web ;) This site will be very messy, and subject to change since I'm just beginning to learn how to do this. I guess that's just like me as a person.
This site was built off this layout builder here! .... if you go prying in my code you'll see a bunch of text left over from it as reminders haha
!WARNING! This site was made for desktop and with my subpar coding skills, the parts I've added are poorly optimised for mobile. As I add on I'll try to improve it, but as of now it'll be difficult to navigate on mobile.
!WARNING 2! Don't zoom in too far. Things get fucky..
Come leave a message if you'd like :P